About CW Extensions

CW Extensions is a service of Cory Webb Media.

CW Extensions started in January of 2016 as a service of Cory Webb Media and distributed through CoryWebbMedia.com. I moved to CWExtensions.com in June of 2017.

I started working with Joomla back in the Mambo days in 2003, and over the years I have built countless custom extensions for my clients. With CW Extensions I am putting my expertise to work for you by creating and distributing simple, powerful Joomla extensions that make it easier to build and customize your site with Joomla.

CW Extensions started with a handfull of extensions: CW Quick Pages, CW Quick Blocks, CW Content Image, CW Top Secret, CW Whatever, and CW So Meta. That collection grew to include CW Redirect and CW Quick Map, and will soon include even more great extensions to help you get the most out of your Joomla website.

Each extension is well documented to make it easy for you to get the most out of them. Each extension is licensed under the GPL in compliance with Joomla's license, so you are free to use the code in accordance with that license.

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.

Cory Webb

Cory Webb is a web developer based in Waco, Texas. He started tinkering with the web in 1997 and quickly discovered a passion for creating things for the web.